
  1. Honda Lawn Equipment

    As a Honda Power Choice Dealer, Richardson Saw & Lawnmower is considered one of the top Honda dealers in the United States. Our facility meets and exceeds Honda's high standards in terms of business practices, training, and customer service and support. We carry a wide range of Honda equipment, including mowers, trimmers, and tillers for lawn and garden work. We...
  2. Gas-Powered Trimmers

    Gas-Powered Trimmers
    Factors to consider when buying a string-line trimmer include how often it will be used, how powerful it needs to be, and what types of special features will make your particular cutting job go more smoothly. Quality trimmers from Echo, Stihl, and other brands offer a wide range of versatile options – from straight or curved shafts, to different types...
  3. Shindaiwa Edgers and Trimmers

    Shindaiwa Edgers and Trimmers
    For tidying up around the edges of a lawn or tackling taller grasses and weeds, Shindaiwa offers several models of edgers, trimmers, and brushcutters to suit your needs. Edgers work best for creating a straight edge along sidewalks, pathways, drives, and formal gardens. Trimmers are good for cutting grass that a lawnmower can't reach, such as along a fence or...
  4. Necessities - Tools For Gardeners

    Necessities - Tools For Gardeners
    Products carried by Richardson Saw & Lawnmower are not limited to power equipment for serious lawn work or landscape professionals, although that is large part of our business. Our inventory also includes products for homeowners and gardeners. Investing in quality equipment for yard work, including sprayers and trimmers, makes gardening easier and means that the tools will be sturdy enough...
  5. Comparing Hedge Trimmers

    Comparing Hedge Trimmers
    Choosing a hedge trimmer for your home or business begins with the choice between electric and gasoline powered trimmers. There are advantages and disadvantages to each type, and each is best suited to different situations. Electric trimmers are quiet, lighter weight, and often less expensive than gasoline models. However, depending on the type of work the trimmer will be used...
  6. Choosing & Caring For A String-Line Trimmer

    Choosing & Caring For A String-Line Trimmer
    String-line trimmers, also known as weed eaters or weed wackers, are the perfect tool for trimming areas your mower can't reach. Slopes, rocky and weedy areas, and the edges of flowerbeds and walkways are hard or impossible to maintain with a lawn mower, and this is where having a string-line trimmer comes in handy. Basic Maintenance Taking care of your...
  7. How to Edge a Lawn

    How to Edge a Lawn
    Edging Your Lawn Along with mowing and trimming, lawn edging is an important lawn maintenance task that will help your yard look well kept. Edging keeps grass from growing onto walkways, patios, and driveways, and maintains a boarder around flower beds. Edging does not need to be done as often as mowing; edging before or ager every other mow is...
  8. Equipment For Lawn Edging

    When mowing a lawn, there are always places you can't quite reach with your lawn mower. The edges of patios, driveways, flowerbeds, decks, and walkways are hard to keep neatly trimmed using only a lawn mower. To maintain the edges around these areas, some specific tools are required. Maintaining an edge can be done with hand tools, such as a...
  9. Troubleshooting Trimmers

    Troubleshooting Trimmers
    A good string-line trimmer will last for years with proper upkeep and regular maintenance. When something does go wrong, however, it is helpful to know what can be done to fix the problem. Some trimmer issues are easily repaired at home, while others may require help from a service technician. Whether you choose to complete a repair yourself or take...
  10. How To Choose The Right String Trimmer

    How To Choose The Right String Trimmer
    For lawn care professionals and homeowners who care about how their yard looks, lawn trimmers and edgers are important pieces of equipment. A lawn mower can only reach so many places, and that is where lawn trimmers come in handy. String line trimmers can clean up slopes, rocky and weedy areas, and around flowerbeds. Some can be used to edge...

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